“I don't care what you think about anything !”

~ ~ ~ Me ~ ~ ~


Sheee's Baaack !!

"Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good."
... Dingy Harry Reid !

"we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it !"
... Nancy Pelosi !

Never Forget
So, Let's Recap "2009".........what a year !
Saturday, March 13, 2010

1. The American people inaugurate a half-arab president with a total of 142 days experience as a US Senator from the most politically corrupt city/state in America whose governors have been ousted from office, and his first official act is to order the close of Gitmo and make sure terrorists civil rights are not violated.
2. The U.S. Congress rushes to confirm a black Attorney General, Eric Holder, whose law firm we later find out represents seventeen Gitmo Terrorists.
3. The CIA Boss appointee, Leon Panetta, has absolutely no experience, has a daughter Linda, we find out, who is a true radical anti-American activist and a supporter of all the Anti-American regimes in the western hemisphere.
4. We got the second most corrupt American woman (Pelosi is #1) as Secretary of State; bought and paid for. (You can put lipstick on a pig, but it still stinks!)
5. We got a Tax Cheat for Treasury Secretary who did not properly file his own taxes for 12 years. (He misspoke!)
6. A Commerce Secretary nominee who withdrew due to corruption charges. (Another honest mistake???)
7. A Tax cheat nominee for Chief Performance Officer who withdrew under charges. (Hmmm... another screw-up?)
8. A Labor Secretary nominee who withdrew under charges of unethical conduct. (Ok, maybe this person was just plain stupid.)
9. A Secretary HHS nominee (Daschle) who withdrew under charges of cheating on his taxes. (I'm running out of excuses for these idiots!!)
10. Multiple appointments of former lobbyists after an absolute campaign statement that no lobbyists would be appointed. (Dear God, I am getting a headache!)
All this occurred just during the first three weeks. . . but who's counting?
America is being run by the modern-day Three Stooges; Barry, Nancy and Harry and they are still trying to define stimulus..."it's spending - STUPID!!!"
The congress passes the $800,000,000,000 (that's $800 billion) pork-loaded spending bill where the government gives you a smidgen of your tax dollars ($13 per week), making you feel so good about yourself [stimulated], that you want to run out to Wal-Mart and buy a new Chinese-made HDTV!
Here's the good news though:

1. Obama took Air Force One to Denver to sign the stimulus package, and failed, wasting as much as 10,000 gallons of fuel OR 24 JOBS FOR ONE YEAR.
2. Obama went to the International Olympic Committee to have them choose Chicago for a host city and failed.
3. Obama went to Copenhagen to lecture them on global warming and failed.
4. Obama went to new Jersey to promote the Democratic candidate for governor and failed.
5. Obama went to Virginia to promote the Democratic candidate for governor and failed.
6. Obama went to Massachusetts to promote the Democratic candidate for senator and failed.
7. Speaking of praying, Obama has now been president for a full year and yet he & wife (first lady) Michelle, the Christian family they claim to be, have not attended church since the inauguration. (But then, remember Obama did say this IS NOT a Christian nation.)
8. Obama is the 1st president in history who did not attend any Christmas religious observance.
9. He must miss Reverend Wright!
10. And finally, he is the 1st president to remain on vacation after a terrorist attack.
In these times 'I'll keep my God, my freedom, my gun and my money. Anyone that supports this insanity can keep "THE CHANGE".

posted by Sarge @ 1:51 PM  
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Cleanse your soul
with a little
Southern Boogie !

The Oath of the
Right-wing Extremist !

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.



The Second Amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I do solemnly swear
that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same ...
~ Title 10, US Code ~

Let us pray... Give me a sense of humor, Lord, Give me the grace to see a joke, To get some humor out of life, And pass it on to other folk.

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" !
...Benjamin Franklin

"Don't let anybody tell you that, you know, it's corporations and businesses that create jobs." !
...Hitlery Klinton

"Give whites a pile of bricks and they'll make a city, give blacks a city and they'll make a pile of bricks"

Teach someone how to fish, and you lose a Democrat voter !

Never try to teach a liberal to think, It wastes your time and annoys the liberal !

Liberalism is a sick religion based solely on emotion and feelgoodism and wiping away their perceived guilt with other peoples money. It has never been based in thought and common sense !

“I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.”... Clarence Darrow !

"We have to spend money to keep from going bankrupt"
...Joe Biden !

"We tax everything that moves and doesn’t move"....
Hitlery Klinton !

"I do think there are certain times
we should infringe on your freedom" !
.... Michael Bloomberg

"I never drink water because fish fuck in it"....
W.C.Fields !

"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid...." John Wayne !

"we are truly being governed by our inferiors, and in some cases criminals"
...Plato !

"Sure We Can Kill ISIS, But We’re Not Going To Get Suckered Into That
...John Kerry !

"Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do".... !

"God have mercy on my enemies because I won't." ...
George S. Patton ! !

"There is no worse foolishness than the truth in the mouth of a fool"...
Don Colacho ! !

"If you take out the killings, Washington D.C. has one of the lowest crime rates in the country." ...
Marion Barry !

“When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber.”
... Sir Winston Churchill !

Old Crap
Wanna go somewhere else