Twas the night before Christmas, not sure of the year Not a creature was stirring, they all lived in fear. The stockings, well tattered, hung on the wall, The hope of St Nicholas was a dream that is all.
The children were hunkered down in their beds, With their loaded long guns over their heads. And mamma in her kevlar and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a short winter’s nap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the grey leaded snow Cast eerie shadows to objects below. When, what to my night vision goggles should appear, But a group of marauders, not seeming to fear.
With a beer bellied driver in the leading truck, I knew in a moment it would take me some luck, More rapid than wolves the bad guys they came, I shouted to the family, “We Will Deliver them Pain!”
"Now Dan! Now Adam! Now Abel!, Now Eve! Hurry the guns, we’ll make them leave! To the top of the roof! to the top of the wall! Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky. So up to the house the marauder’s they came, They wanted out stores , food, guns and grain.
And then, in a the moment, I heard many shouts My Son with his AR, the shots rang out As I fired my browning, tactically moving around, I realized we might be holding our ground
They were dressed all in camo, mismatched I might say, But their infrared signatures gave them away The shots increased as the attackers pushed on We got a few I could see dead on the lawn
They made one last push to get to close to do harm We fought them back, from taking our farm They finally gave up, realizing it was futile We had dealt them some damage and death that was brutal
I surveyed the compound at dawns early light We buried the bodies still doing what’s right One of our dogs had died from a knife He had fought to the death, he had given his life
I try to remember how it had started one day The financial collapse killed the economy they say Then the terrorist attacked, they were oh so skilled Releasing the virus, millions it killed
Things started imploding the government collapsed People forced into violence, society lapsed It has been quite some time since the crash and decay But there are areas of good citizens, needless to say
As time marches on with each passing day The sun does still rise and in a certain way Things will get better and someday we will enjoy What was once a great country no one can destroy
So this Christmas Day, not sure of the year We will celebrate coming this far that is clear Someday in the future, when the story is told People will realize that there were some that were bold
They survived the downfall and maintained what was right They fought to survive through long days and long nights I would like to say to all of you who are dear Merry Christmas and Hope for a better New Year.
H/T The Feral Irishman ! |