Honestly? What the fuck do you want me to say? That I haven’t killed anyone? Yeah anon I have killed people, but does that make it murder? No. Definition of murder:
mur·der [mur-der] - noun 1. unlawful intentional killing - verb (used with object) 2. to kill unlawfully and deliberately - Related Forms self-mur·dered- adjective self-mur·der- noun.
“To kill unlawfully, and deliberately” Really? Do you think the military allows us to kill anyone we please? Fuck no. We get shot at, we shoot back. We have a target, we are assigned for a fucking reason, we fucking take them out. We don’t go around shooting who and what we please, that would be a war crime, and you will get punished for that, that is not getting away with murder. As for the people I have killed, it is my job to keep the Marines to my left and right alive and take them home, and I will do whatever the fuck I need to do, to have them safe. Does that mean I’ll take someone out? Fuck yes. But in my mind? No matter if it is my job or not, if it’s a good reason, or because I did what I had to do. It will always be there with me an eating at me. I live with who I have killed every night every day. And although I have extreme hatred for the people who have killed my brothers, I will and always will punish myself for as you say “murdering them”.
Now tell me, would you rather have a murderer serving your country, or someone that will protect you and your loved ones?
Why is it so difficult for sheep to comprehend the difference between a sheepdog and a wolf?
Because the sheep have no guts, dicks, or balls? Labels: Filthy Democrats, Stupid Moonbats |