An farmer was looking to get some new roosters for his hens.
He went to the feed and tack to inquire on roosters. The attendant at the feed store said, “All you need is Brewster, the Rooster, he’ll do the work of 10 roosters.
The farmer was skeptical, but he bought Brewster and brought him home. The minute he let Brewster out of the truck, he tore through the hen house. Feathers went everywhere. The farmer shook his head and thought, maybe the feed store guy was right.
A week later, Brewster was still at it, non stop 24 hours a day. It got so bad, the neighbors were complaining their live stock were being molested.
A few days later, the farmer noticed Brewster flopping around in in circles in the front of the property. It appeared he couldn’t get up. The farmer noticed a band of buzzards circling over Brewster.
The farmer went out to Brewster, leaned down and said, “I told you boy, all that whoring around would kill you”.
Brewster peaked out of one of his eyes and said, “Shhh they are about to land”.