Syllabus - Spring 2012
Understanding Bush: Cowboy Diplomacy 101
If you are a Harvard student who just doesn't understand anything, then this class is for you. A counterpart to Understanding Obama (taught by Professor Charles Ogletree), this one-hour credit class is a perfect way to meet those law-school elective requirements that your parents are paying for. We will discuss, through books and readings, the answers to the following thought-provoking questions:
•How did a stupid hick like George W. Bush manage to steal the election... twice?
•What were Bush's grades at Harvard, compared to Obama's? Did Bush's dad sit in class and take the tests for him?
•Is the Texas Rangers baseball team even a real business, or was it invented to give Bush the appearance of executive experience? **Extra Credit if you can locate Texas (or any midwest state) on a map.
•Why were military deaths under Bush protested, but not military deaths under Obama? Do military lives still matter?
•How did Bush obtain the power to start a war that Obama cannot stop? Is this part of the New World Order, ran by Jews, the Skull & Bones, oil companies and the Bush Dynasty?
•Republicans are racist. However, Bush's cabinet was one of the most diverse in history. How did he coerce multiple races/genders/orientations into becoming his personal slaves? **Extra credit for working with Gender Studies department on how Condoleeza Rice got hypnotized into becoming conservative.
•Compare and contrast Bush 4% unemployment with Obama 10-17%. Have we been cut down to size? Does the World like us now?
•Who caused the 9/11 attacks and how many profits did Bush receive? Was Bush personally driving each of the planes into the towers with remote controls?
•Math word problem: If gas was $1.85 in January 2009, and $3.89 in April 2012, how many gallons of oil is the Bush Dynasty currently stealing and profiting from, in order to insinuate that Obama is a horrible president?
•Discuss the term "inherited". What did Bush inherit from Clinton?
•It defies logic, but Bush's ranch is more eco-friendly than Al Gore's mansion. How many carbon offsets must Al purchase to make up the difference, since Bush denies global warming?
•Was the Bush/Rove Book Club fabricated to cover up Bush's illiteracy?
These questions and more will be discussed over the course of the semester.
Grades: There will be no grades, tests or reports, since paper trails do not exist at Harvard. All that is necessary to pass, is that you *understand*.
Office Hours: The instructor will be available for Democrat Party voting registration for 2-3 hours after each class !
Labels: Filthy Democrats, Stupid Moonbats |