The Original Colonies that became the United States were first settled in the
Southern area. Jamestown, in the colony later to be called Virginia,
was settled in 1607. The first Northern
settlement wasn’t until 1620 at Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Many of the leaders of the American Revolution were Southerners, such as
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry.
The Slave Trade was instigated and directly supported by Northerners, mainly
from the States of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. |
From the earliest days of the Colonies, the North opposed the South,
considering them uncouth, uneducated barbarians. |
The Northern States opposed the purchase of the Louisiana Territories and
threatened to form a “Northern Confederacy” by breaking away from the Union.
The War of 1812 was fought primarily by the South. Many Northern States
refused to support this war and even threatened secession because of our
involvement. Some Northern States even supported the British Army by
selling them food and supplies.
From the early 1800’s, the South was the wealthiest portion of the United
States due to her exportation of tobacco and cotton. |
Seven of the first ten Presidents were from the Southern States.
When the North began to abolish slavery many northern slave owners sold their slaves
to the South to avoid freeing them.
Northern abolitionists began demanding that ALL slaves be freed with no
regard for the billions of dollars this would cost the South, or of the fact
that the uneducated slaves needed a lengthy process of education before
being mainstreamed into free society. |
When Lincoln was Inaugurated, a Bill had already passed the Senate and was
awaiting Ratification from the individual States before becoming the 13th
Amendment, which would forever protect the institution of slavery.
Lincoln approved of this Bill and only the secession of the Southern States
prevented it from becoming law. |
Lincoln was advised that reinforcing Fort Sumter and Fort Pickens would most
likely lead to war. He followed through with his plans despite the warnings
of his Cabinet. |
Southern Commander, Robert E. Lee had freed all his slaves before the onset
of the War of Secession. Ulysses S. Grant’s wife and Mary Todd Lincoln still
owned slaves until 1866, when the 13th Amendment was passed. |
Lincoln’s “Emancipation Proclamation” freed only the slaves in the areas in
conflict with the United States. In other words he freed only those
slaves in areas over which he had no authority and kept in slavery those
he could legally free.