To get a concrete picture of just how this country now resembles NAZI
Germany, comparisons must be made between the two countries.
- NAZI Germany was a Tyrannic state where the government monitored everything German citizens did and said.
Today in America, via the Patriot Act, we now have everything we do and say monitored. The NSA and CIA monitor all domestic phone usage, internet activity, personal bank accounts, as well as know our every move and conversations by having cameras and audio devices at every street corner.
- NAZI officials used to get great joy at forcing citizens to morally degrade themselves.
Now, in America we have the TSA pat us down, perform body cavity searches when the slightest suspicion is aroused, run us through body scanners, feel up and nude scan our children, confiscate personal belongings, and demand papers proving who you are.
- Hitler removed Easter in the school system and honored that time of year as the beginning of spring.
Sound familiar?
- Hitler promoted environmentalism and was a vegetarian.
Currently in America, we have radical environmentalism, the worship of Mother earth, and celebrate Earth Day.
- NAZI’s killed some 270,000 handicapped and mentally ill people by euthanasia.
We are poised to do the same on a massive scale through Obama Care.