Really? You CHOOSE to do drugs... And you CHOOSE to drink to excess.... It's not forced upon you. There's no requirement. No one held a gun to her head and FORCED her to drink and snort cocaine for years. And neither you, or your little book of Christian fairy tales can change that. And by the way SARGE!!!!
Yes you prick, I'm 62 years old .... and I did alot of drugs and I drank alot
of booze in my life .... I also lost a cousin and a very good friend in that
miserable fucking war that you seem to love so much. My old man warned me
years ago .... Never argue with a fool .... He was right !
.... and Ritchie P ....
Go fuck yourself .... and take Hanoi Jane with you !
This prick just dosen't get it !
Heh, heh I'm not gonna get into a pissing contest with a fool like you ! I'm done with you !
But this is what I think of the traitorous cunt you seem to love so much !
Fuck Jane Fonda !
You bet your ass I put your stupid foolishness on my front page, because you are a idiot cowardly traitor to my country .... and I took an oath to protect and defend this country from people like you !
Carrie did it to herself. And paid the horrible price that addiction and abuse takes upon the body (whether it be alcohol, drugs, sex, marathon running (yep, really bad for body over long term).)
HJ did it to the country, and then made money off of it and is still proud of what she did. Bitch should still hang for treason. I'd pay to see that.
Sarge, your site, your rules, your right. Keep up the good work in the following years and quit scaring yourself and us with health issues. Live on to piss more people off.