Dan Rather, who famously quit his post as the anchor for “CBS Evening News” in 2004 after airing “fake news” about President George W. Bush, has been caught up in another episode. This time it’s about his 2012 book, “Rather Outspoken: My Life in the News,” which features an image of Rather as a Marine. image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2017/04/rather2.jpg Dan Rather as a "Marine" image appears several places online, credited with being provided by Dan Rather Dan Rather “as a Marine” image appears several places online, credited with being provided by Rather Rather apparently supplied the image to the publisher, which shows him in Marine dress blues and the famous white saucer cap, with the caption, “As a young Marine.” Only he wasn’t. He washed out of boot camp while trying to become a Marine !
Labels: Fucking Traitor !, Quisling |