“Where is your survival instinct?”
Civilizations collapse from within, because people let the destructor in; one example is The Barbarians Who Sacked Rome Came Into the Empire as Refugees.
Who is coming in now? My essay has several examples about today’s Islamic treatment of various groups who, nonetheless, take their side; this excerpt below, specifically, focuses on Jews (links in original):
[M]y fellow Jews in America want more Islamic refugees to America… despite Synagogues in France (let alone elsewhere in Europe) needing armed guards 24/7 and even concertina wire atop newly-installed high fences with closed-circuit cameras for protection against those very same refugees.
Synagogues are firebombed by Islamists, Rabbis openly talk about needing protection to live openly-Jewish lives, anti-Semitism is rising, Muslims across Europe scream “Jews, remember Khaybar” – a reference to a battle where Mohammed slaughtered Jews en masse.
Despite all these, and Imams all over calling for Jews to be killed – in Houston, in California, in Holland, in North Carolina, everywhere (three alone since President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital) – and the historical precedent of Mohammed himself and the anti-Semitism codified in the Koran itself… Jews write letters to the editor wanting more migrants.
Thank you sir!
Pushing 3000 views in less than 24 hours. I think I hit something square-on.