Maybe the rise of American freedom in 1776 was providence at work, maybe not. But if we succumb to the siren call of socialism, which seems to be the direction we are heading, civil war is our future and the promise of providence will have been denied.
We say civil war because there are millions of Americans who will not lie down and play dead for the rise of socialism. Those millions are heavily armed and if you push them too far, like the “shot heard round the world“, war will break out between those that cling to socialism and government dependence and those that cling to freedom, their bible ….. or their guns.
If things go 'hot', I predict OR/WA will be the first blue spaces to succumb. There's an awful lot of rural sensibilities between Redding, Ca. and Eugene, Or. and from there up to the border the 'blue' areas are solely constrained to the I-5 Corridor. They are surrounded on all sides by people like the Hammonds, who are sick of their shit.