There are few real American Jews.
There are many who *call* themselves Jews, attend synagogue on some Friday nights and some holidays, and send their children to a familiarization course to learn about Jewish holidays and traditions. But for the most part, they are not Jews. They are acting the part of Jews, but they are not Jews.
They pray "Next Year in Jerusalem!" and then condemn Israel for applauding the US embassy's move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. They mourn the destruction of the Second Temple, and then condemn those who object to Muslim restrictions on Jewish open prayer at the Wailing Wall. They talk about the Pogroms in Russia and the horrors of the Holocaust, and then refuse to arm themselves in self-defense while condemning those who do - in a country where the 2nd Amendment guarantees them the right to "keep and bear arms".
They attend religious services in the pretense of being religious, but then hold conversations and walk around while others are in prayer. And then they are the loudest to condemn those who ask them to be silent during silent devotion.
They vote in lockstep with a Democrat party that has publicly condemned Israel at its political conventions. They support Democrat candidates and the entire Democrat platform (which includes enthusiastic support for lawbreakers, support for sexual deviance and deviants in schools, and support for a socialist state) and then complain about hypocrisy in politics. They speak of the 5th Commandment, "Thou shalt not murder" (that's the *literal* translation), but then support abortion and Planned Parenthood.
These are not Jews. These are hypocrites who do not have the strength of their own convictions. These are people whose actions give strength to anti-Semites. These are people who give cause to laugh whenever someone references anyone who is Jewish.
These are people who, to be frank, should stop calling themselves Jews. Those who actually *are* Jews would be thankful for it.
Nice picture additions.
Amongst the Jews I hang with, these are called "kapos".