The Donald’s supporters expect him to use his powers to undo much of the damage that the Won has inflicted on our once great Republic. And ask yourself, would anyone else – Cruz, Rubio, Walker…Bush – be willing to violate the Constitution in order to save the Constitution? I think not. And we sense that America needs someone who will. In order to “level the playing field” again and give our kids and grandkids a shot at enjoying an American life. And currently that someone exists only in the persona of The Donald: no matter how much you may like some of the others, he’s currently the only guy on the podium who actually knows how to seize the power at his disposal and use it to do what he thinks needs to be done to make America great again: deport illegal aliens? Boom. End anchor babies? Boom. Get rid of Obamacare and start over? Boom. Nullify the agreement with Iran? Boom, and I do mean Boom!
Yeah, it’s that simple. Americans are mad as hell, and they aren’t going to take it anymore. We want our country back. And we don’t really care how goofy your hair is as long as you’ll do that for us. Transform us back.
So I say yes to The Donald: the only one willing to kill the Constitution in order to save the Constitution. And I mean that in a good way.
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