The Nazis were good at copying ideas – they copied a LOT from America’s Left. Race laws. Eugenics. Sterilizing and even killing “undesirables” ....
"Don't be fooled. this has not been an accidental strategy.
It has a clear purpose. The purpose is not criticism of Conservatives nor a discussion of the issues; the purpose is to paint Conservatives as the ultimate evil. …
If Conservatives are the ultimate evil, then shouldn't people of good will do something to make sure that that evil is erased from the face from of the earth?
… Their minds [are being] prepared to [… accept…] that by eliminating Conservatives, they [… will be] ridding it of a disease.
So, if you think about it and history, the greatest atrocities have been preceded by the preparation of people's minds. This is what we're seeing today. This is the nature of this war."